The Copper Canyons are accessible all year round. On the one hand, lush vegetation during the rainy season from June to September, with midday rainfall, on the other, the dry season from October to May – suitable for camping in tents and extensive hiking tours.
Great fluctuations due to the differences in altitudes extending up to 3,000 metres. Subtropical, hotly humid climate in the fruitful Pacific plains, alpine climate in the mountains – with below-freezing temperatures in the winter months, and, simultaneously, temperatures exceeding 20°C at the base of the canyons. Desert climate in the high plains of Chihuahua – with cold winter nights and summer temperatures up to 40°C with low humidity during the daytime.
Summer clothing as a rule from April to October, with warmer attire for possible cold spells. Warm clothing in the wintertime, which can be “layered” as necessary. Men are advised to wear shirts and long trousers while visiting churches and public events. Jeans and riding clothes are advisable for outings on horseback.
Spanish. English is spoken in most hotels. The Rarámuri Indians speak an independent language, which remains difficult to those of our culture.
MAIL – Postcards and letters should be posted in Chihuahua and Los Mochis directly from the post office. Delivery times up to several weeks are no rarity. Alternatively, mailing from hotel.
All of the locations mentioned are accessible by phone. Mexican telephone cards function very well; public phones are available everywhere. (Calls to Europe: 00 + the country code). Mobile phones only function in larger towns, but check with your Provider as to service availability before travelling.
Travellers from the European Union require no visa. A passport with minimum six months validity, together with a purchased Tourist Card for entry and departure, are necessary.
Hotel and restaurant prices are generally exclusive of service charges. 10 to 15 percent are the rule, and chamber maids as well as bell boys are pleased to receive a tip.
Please inform yourself before travelling as to the immunisations necessary, as well as the advisable contents of a personal first aid kit. Avoid the consumption of ice cubes, salads and unpeeled fruit outside from hotels and better restaurants. It is advisable to use bottled drinking water for cleaning teeth.
Hot spices and unaccustomed dishes can occasionally lead to stomach and intestinal difficulties. Good doctors are available in the towns. A helicopter is stationed in Posada Barrancas and can reach most destinations quickly. The chemists and pharmacies in Los Mochis, El Fuerte, Creel and Chihuahua are well appointed; special medications should be brought from home. The variations in altitudes during a journey to the Copper Canyons are extreme, as are those in temperatures and humidity. Check with your doctor before journey’s begin as to possible risks. Bites from rattlesnakes, scorpions, tarantulas and other spiders in the Copper Canyons are extremely seldom. Should they occur, do remain calm and inform the hotel manager, tour guide or other travellers immediately, so that help may be called.
The airports of Chihuahua and Los Mochis are frequented from various airlines, including Continental Airlines, AeroMéxico, Mexicana and Aero California. Excellent bus connections are also available between Chihuahua and El Paso, Texas, and between Los Mochis and Tucson, Arizona.
Please request permission before filming or photographing persons, and respect a possible refusal.
The Rarámuri women offer hand-made baskets made of pine needles and agave along the railroad stretch. The drums and wood carvings of the Rarámuri men are simple and rustic, but none the less attractive. When purchasing goods from the artists, one should not always bargain, but also accept the prices given.
Arrivals at the airport or station are busy and quite hectic. Boarding and alighting passengers, loads of baggage, the noise of the trains and hotel personnel mingle to present a truly Mexican impression. Please pay attention to those calling the names of the passengers till you hear your name, or that of your hotel, or you see it written on a sign. A Minibus with the name of the hotel is generally waiting, or someone will contact you directly by speaking to you. Don’t worry, transfer won’t take place without you!
Throughout the canyons are small, well-appointed shops. Aboard the CHEPE you’ll find a restaurant to keep you supplied in food and drink.
You can reach us – or we you – at anytime via the individual hotels in the Copper Canyons and our offices in Europe, Mexico and the U.S.A.
Paying cash is easiest (Mexican Peso). The hotels except some credit cards. You can withdraw money from